Wednesday 8 December 2010

What Obamas tax deal is

At first I was perturbed by Obamas little tax deal with Republicans where the so-called Bush tax cuts get extended for two years while unemployment benefits are extended for 13.  While I still believe that he could have been a little more assertive, putting it mildly, at the end of the day, those benefits are in my view quite a good thing, and more important right now than closing the budget deficit.

Rather than fighting about it, where everyone on the alleged US left gets upset because Obama sold out too much, and the White House once again insults it's active base, folks on both sides of... that side... should focus on the real narrative here.

Obama and the Democratic Senate needed to extend unemployment benefits in order to prevent additional erosion of the economy and unnecessary suffering by our more vulnerable country-folk.  They had to do this by paying off the Republican party whose ideology is structured to only help the most powerful of our country.  In other words, it is now normal that the Republican party expect metaphorical political tribute to the country's lords and masters in order that we may have any prosperity.

I wish Obama played his hand better than he has.  I believe he could have.  But he is also not my opponent, except for when he targets people for extra-judicial assassination and detention.  The underlying reason for the kind of irresponsible management of the nations finances are the opposition party, who in the short run will only get stronger.  They will not change and the only remedy seems to be their expulsion.  This can be achieved legally and peaceably.  Focus your agitation on this and let go for now these insidious compromises that shall be inflicted in the coming years.

And remember what happened here.  The Republican party extorted the vulnerable of our society so that the powerful might better prosper.